Sunday, September 30, 2018

HAPPINESS IS..... happy, healthy children.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

10 Years After....

My Boy is 18 yrs old this year. He is now my driver but leaving for college soon. sigh....

My Princess turns 14 this June and she is still the Princess in the family. wink.. wink..

Mr Hubby and I are still like Mars and Venus but... there is still life in between... and I can't help but fall in love with him with each passing day. hearts..

My Mom passed away on the 31st January this year due to cancer. Her passing was so sudden that had left My Dad feeling so lost. tears...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Macam-macam Ada...

It has been a year since my last entry. Macam-macam dah berlaku.

Dapat big boss baru. He also comes big in size. Hi! Hi! Hi!
Pass PTK with flying colors (Aras IV).
Dapat anjakan gaji. Yahoo!!!!! La! La!La!La!La!
Uwan passed away. So sad.... Alfatihah.
Reena finally can makeout understandable sentences.
Ridzuan started his Year One (ha? my son? dah besar anak aku).
My brother Shah divorced his wife. My cousin Ziela divorced her husband. So depressing, what has happened to our marriage institution?
Mas got pregnant, miscarriage and got pregnant again. Busy!Busy!Busy!
Hubby dapat 3 months bonus. Another Yahoo!!!!! Shopping spree time! La!La!La!La!La!

Well, all in that order.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Love is.....

I love reading. Books. Good books. Whenever ada pertanyaan pasal hobby, my first prioriy mesti Reading. Reading books. Reading books is my passion. I think I should thank my parents sebab they all lah yang nurture the habit to me. Since primary school lagi aku & Along dah ada koleksi buku. Time tu we all kemaruk baca buku-buku Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Enid Blyton's and also buku-buku Kisah Nabi yang Abah suka beli.

Bila masuk MRSM, aku dah start baca Mills & Boon. Tukar-tukar dengan kawan sehostel. Masa buat A-Level kat KDU, the passion grew stronger. One thing bcoz we all ada duit scholarship, so many-many books boleh beli. Bukan saja Mills & Boon but also bestseller English novels by famous authors. Then masuk ITM M*****, hostel pulak dekat dengan Kedai Buku Thai Kuang. Sometimes, I just bought a book, but still, whenever tak beli I just borrow from the library. At that time I was surprised sebab library ITM M***** ada buku-buku Danielle Steele, my favourite author.

By then, my collection of books siap susun-susun dalam big book's cabinet kat rumah Mak & Abah.

However, the best books-buying time of my life came after graduated from ITM. Dapat MARA scholarship to further study ke W****** Michigan U. That was THE time of my life actually. Books are so cheap kat US. I spend most of my wages (kerja as kitchen assistant) on books and also travelling all over USA.

Bila dah mula kerja, now & then aku beli jugak buku whenever aku ada masa. Bila dah ada kids ni agak sukar nak find time to belek-belek MY kind of books kat bookstore sebab sibuk melayan the kids cari THEIR kind of books pulak.

By now, my collection of books dah no longer dalam book's cabinet, but dalam ntah berapa buah kotak pelbagai saiz. Still kat rumah Mak & Abah. (Aku masih duduk dgn parents eventhough dah kawin) Some of the boxes ada kat bawah katil aku. Some of it pulak dalam bilik store.

Aku dah slow reading books actually. Satu, sebab dah jarang-jarang membeli. Dua, sebab couldn't find time. Kat ofis aku sibuk, kat rumah aku sibuk ngan Hubby & the kids.

Somehow, keterujaan utk membaca buku kembali tiba baru-baru ni bila Noor & Ratna cerita yang they all berjurai air mata bila baca buku The Notebook & A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. The books then were passed to Mas who did not berjurai air mata reading it but she likes it nonetheless.

During our lunch date last 2 weeks, they insisited on me pulak to read the 2 books. Seminggu aku perap buku-buku tu, langsung tak pegang. Then one day, after one solat maghrib, A Walk To Remember kind of terjatuh dari my dressing table where I have kept it. I picked it up then selak-selak a few pages.

Sudahnya, that satu malam aku marathon habih kan reading that book. I guess old habit dies hard. Semalam, aku habih pulak baca The Notebook. And I remember that I have seen Message in A Bottle movie yang Kevin Costner main dulu. Message in A Bottle movie actually was adapted from Message in A Bottle book written by Nicholas Sparks.

Nicholas Sparks bagus sekali. I like his writing. Buku-buku dia semua pasal first love. Jenis-jenis yang tak boleh lupa eventhough dah bertahun-tahun. It reminds me of MY first love. Not with my Hubby actually but with Z***** when we were at KDU. Sampai ke hari ni pun I still remember him. We dated for 2 years then broke up. Sejak berpisah, aku tak pernah jumpa dia lagi. Don't know where he is now but I heard that he's already married with children.

I'm not saying that I don't love my Hubby. I love him dearly, I felt in love with him masa sama-sama kat US dulu. He is my true love. My other half. Tapi there's still a place in my mind di mana tersimpannya memory masa first love dulu. Memories that make me smile, then realize that without the first love I wouldn't know how to give the best love to my Hubby now. Love is beautiful. So wonderful. I feel blessed.

That was what Nicholas Sparks's books did to me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Rekindle Those Moments

Kalau ada hari-hari yang aku terkenangkan zaman-zaman masa kat ITM M***** dulu, maka ini lah harinya.

Ntah kenapa, dari pagi, asyik terkenangkan Badrul, Khizan & Zakir. Tak tahan, 10.00 a.m. terus call Badrul, hoping that he is still using his old mobile number.

"Hi, Attadrus!!!!!!"

"Tadribat! Kau ni. Kau tau je aku call ye."

"I still keep your number. Kau pun tak change number eh..."

"Ha ah."

"So... what's up?"

"Takde. Saja je. Saja nak say hi. I think I miss everybody la..."

"Alahai.... so sweet."

Then, we all cakap tak berhenti-henti. Dok recall cerita-cerita lama. Gelak-gelak sampai keluar air mata. Spashly bila cerita pasal Khizan and her antic incidents.

At the end, we decided to have a small reunion, sometime, somewhere. Badrul kena tanya sister dia yang ada simpan phone number Zakir.

"Cemana lak sister kau kenal Zakir?"

"Dia ada appointment kat company mana ntah. Kena jumpa Zakir. Bila sister aku bagi name card, Zakir tanya, you ada brother nama this this this tak?"

"La hai, what a small world."

Badrul jugak kena cari nombor Zain Azmy. Where the hell is he now? Dua-dua nombor dia bagi dah tak boleh pakai.

Aku pulak kena cari nombor Khizan which her last address yang aku ada was kat Rembau. Kena pergi rumah mak dia kat Rembau ni ke? Maybe that is a good idea.

Then aku kena call Utu (which his real name neither aku nor Badrul remembers at that time). Paling last aku jumpa Utu ialah time SUKMA last year. Member jadi orang kuat kontingen Selangor.

All in all, I'm glad that I called Badrul. Si bertuah tu dah tukar tempat kerja lagi. Kalau aku tak call mati-mati aku ingat dia masih kat Price Waterhouse.

"Apa kes kau dok tukar-tukar kerja ni?"

"Aku kan kaum nomad."

Thursday, February 17, 2005

What's with Alphabets

Kisah terjadi bulan lalu, pukul 8.00 mlm, masa aku sedang recap apa yang teacher Ridzuan ajar kat sekolah.

Aku : huruf a bunyi nya apa? (sambil jari tunjuk kat huruf a dalam buku dia)

Ridzuan : aaaaaaa....

Aku : contohnya?

Ridzuan : ayam.

Aku : very good. huruf i bunyi nya apa? (jari tunjuk huruf i)

Ridzuan : iiiiiii.....

Aku : bagus. contohnya?

Ridzuan : ikan.

Aku : huruf u bunyi nya apa? (tunjuk kat huruf u)

Ridzuan : uuuuuuu......

Aku : contohnya?

Ridzuan : ubat.

Aku : bagus anak mama. now, huruf o bunyinya apa? (tunjuk kat huruf o)

Ridzuan : ooooooo........

Aku : contohnya?

Anak aku : o-okkk (berak)

Aku : :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Unwind The Kids

Ratna dalam e-mail nya mengadu pasal Arman, anak dia yang baru 4 tahun, muntah-muntah. Muntah atas tilam, muntah dalam kereta masa on the way ke klinik, muntah lagi lepas balik dari klinik. Sampai Ratna pun ikut termuntah sama.

Bila cerita pasal muntah dalam kereta ni, aku pun pernah mengalaminya baik dengan Ridzuan maupun dengan Reena. Ridzuan masa tu baru setahun lebih, baya-baya Reena sekarang ni. We all tengah on the way to JB, follow Hubby out station. Belum sampai kat hotel lagi Ridzuan dah terbelahak dalam kereta. Aku dengan dia duduk seat belakang. Kuyup anak aku. Aku bukak baju dan seluar dia, tukarkan pakaian lain yg memang ada dalam kereta.

Bila dah check-in, aku terus call Dr. Zaini, our GP. Doc kata perut dia masuk angin, cuba ketuk-ketuk, berbunyi macam gendang. Doc suruh bagi minum air suam, lepas tu sapu perut ngan minyak angin. Urut-urut perut tu. Sampailah Rizduan terkentut. Lepas tu ok dah.

Itu kes masuk angin. Tapi food poisoning nya kes pulak, ha.... sebijik macam Arman kena tu. Last year Ridzuan salah makan (aku jugak yang bagi dia makan), lepas tu muntah-belilah atas tilam. Dia dah tidur, boleh pulak bangun, muntah lagi kat tilam. Aku jadi sedih campur takut. Apahal la pulak. Bila bawak ke GP, Doc kata food poisoning. Padan muka aku.

Reena pulak, kes terjadi baru bulan lalu. We all nak pergi Midvalley. Hari Ahad dua tiga hari sebelum CNY. Hubby drive, Ridzuan depan, aku dengan Reena belakang. Sampai kat Midvalley, tengok jalan dah jammed. Semua pintu masuk ke parking Midvalley dah ditutup. Kereta bukan main banyak, berensot-ensot nak jalan.

Ridzuan dah pening-pening lalat. Reena dah pening-pening nyamuk. Aku dah pening betul-betul. Nasib baik Hubby ok. Lepas tu Hubby kata, tak boleh jadi camni ni. Kena tukar destinasi lah, kita nak gi mana? Aku suggest pergi Alamanda tapi Ridzuan tak nak sebab awal tahun dulu baru pergi, dia kata, kita balik lah. Dia sebenarnya dah tak tahan pening. So we all pun exit la ke Seremban.

Sampai kat tol Sg. Besi, singgah makan kat KFC tepi jalan tu, yang ada gambar bucket besar KFC atas bangunan tu. Ridzuan makan ok je tapi Reena langsung tak nak makan apa-apa. Habis makan, sebab menengokkan Ridzuan ok, Hubby ajak pergi jalan-jalan ke KLIA. Aku dan Ridzuan kata ok. Masuk exit Nilai, terus ke KLIA, masuk parking, dah ambik pun chip parking tu dah, berpusing-pusing naik 2, 3 tingkat cari parking, Reena masa tu berdiri kat seat belakang, tiba-tiba, zassssss.....

Reena datang kat aku, terus bersembur muntah kat badan aku. Habis baju dengan seluar aku. Sudahnya, we all parking, Hubby keluar pegi bayar parking, lepas tu exit keluar, terus balik ke Seremban. Hari tu memang takde rezeki la nak jalan-jalan.

Aku perasan la, anak-anak aku, kalau bawak jalan-jalan jauh mesti masuk angin punya. So aku selalu kena make sure anak-anak aku makan dulu before berjalan, make sure air-cond tak sejuk sesangat. Yang pasti, before naik kereta, kena sapu perut, belakang ngan tapak kaki budak-budak tu ngan minyak angin dulu. Biar they all panas-panas badan duduk dalam kereta. Kalau dah besar takde masalah tapi yang infants lagi ni, sesedap rasa je dia nak muntah. Angin dah satu badan la tu.

Cuti Awal Muharram minggu lalu, we all repeat balik trip ke KLIA. Bawak budak-budak pergi ke viewing area nengok aircraft yang ada kat hangar. Suka they all nampak big aeroplanes. Ridzuan dok tanya aje, bila nak bawak dia naik aeroplane, asyik-asyik hantar babah or mama je naik aeroplane, dia kata. Hubby promise dia masa cuti sekolah nanti we'll plan on something.