Monday, February 07, 2005

Call or Email Me

Pagi tadi, Mas call. It was a short call. She said she just want to know whether aku kerja ke tidak hari ni. After that she's going to call Noor pulak, and ask her the same question. Aku gelak sorang-sorang lepas tu. Actually, for the past few years, aku, Mas, Noor & Ratna akan ber email-email setiap hari. Macam-macam yang we all citer, dari personal matters, job wise, hal dunia, sampai la ke isu-isu keugamaan. Most of the time we all akan citer pasal family masing-masing. Pasal anak-anak & husband of course. Tu yang aku gelak tadi tu sebab Mas call semata-mata nak tanya sama ada aku ada ke tidak so that dia nak email aku. Why can't she just email me macam biasa?

Talking about email ni jugak, baru tadi kasi email address aku to En. Aslah, corporate advisor to YAB Dato'. Ada proposal. Hope this one will succeed.


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